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WITTE, Gregor Prof. Dr.

Photo of Prof. Dr. Gregor WITTE
Principal InvestigatorPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsPhone: +49-6421 28-21384Link: Project A2 (Witte)Link: Project MGK (Koert/Witte)Link: BiographyLink: Group Homepage


Organic semiconductor films, physical chemistry of adsorbates, template and interface controlled growth of thin films, X-ray absorption spectroscopy

University Education

2002Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) in Physical Chemistry, Ruhr-Universität Bochum „Physico-chemical properties of organic thin films on copper surfaces“
1995Doctoral degree in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.), Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Dissertation on “Characterization of structure and dynamics of clean and adsorbate covered oxid and metal surfaces”, thesis advisor: Prof. J. P. Toennies
1989Diploma degree in Physics (Dipl. Phys.), Georg-August Universität Göttingen, supervisor: Prof. J. P. Toennies
1983-1989Study of Physics at the Georg-August Universität Göttingen

Professional Experience

2008-Professor (W3) for Experimental Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg
2003-2008Lecturer/docent, Department of Chemistry, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1998-2002Group leader (assistant professor), Chair of physical chemistry I at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1996-1997Postdoc, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose (USA), Department Storage and Technology (Dr. D. Chambliss) and
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (National Center for Electron Microscopy), Berkeley (USA) (imaging of magnetic thin films by spin-polarized LEEM)
1991-1995Research Assistant at the MPI for Strömungsforschung in Göttingen
1990-1991Civil service at the Diakonisches Werk in München and freelancer within the framework of the satellite project “ORFEUS“ (project assistant for optical alignment of a SpaceShuttle based UV-telescope at Kaiser-Threde GmbH, München)
1989-1990Research Assistant at the MPI for Strömungsforschung in Göttingen

Honours, Awards and other Proofs of Qualification

1996Postdoctoral Fellowship of the DFG

Selected Publications

  1. G. Witte, Ch. Wöll
    Growth of aromatic molecules on solid substrates for applications in organic electronics
    J. Mater. Res. 19, 1889 (2004).
  2. D. Käfer, L. Ruppel, G. Witte, Ch. Wöll
    The role of molecular conformations in thin film growth: Why soft matter can be special
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 166602 (2005).
  3. D. Käfer, G. Witte, P. Cyganik, A. Terfort, Ch. Wöll
    A comprehensive study of self-assembled monolayers of anthracenethiol on gold: Solvent effects, structure, and stability
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 1723 (2006).
  4. D. Käfer, L. Ruppel, G. Witte, Ch. Wöll
    Growth of pentacene on clean and modified gold surfaces
    Phys. Rev. Rev. B 75, 085309 (2007).
  5. W. Khalid, M. El Helou, T. Murböck, Z. Yue, J.-M. Montenegro, K. Schubert, G. Göbel, F. Lisdat, G. Witte, W. J. Parak
    Immobilization of quantum dots via conjugated self-assembled monolayers and their application as a light-controlled sensor for the detection of hydrogen peroxide
    ACS Nano 5, 9870 (2011).