Publication of SFB 1083 Activity Report

SFB 1083 published an activity report covering its scientific achievements in the first six years from 2013-2019.

The activity report of the SFB 1083 gives a scientific introduction into the research done from 2013 until 2019. It comprises the motivation of the SFB 1083 as well as several publications as highlights. Furthermore, it provides an overview over the projects within the SFB 1083. Another part of it features the scientific communications in the form of workshops and conferences, e.g., the ICII-2016 and the ASOMEA-IX, in the relevant period. Besides these activities, the principal investigators are introduced and an overview over the staff, including numerous PhD-students, guest scientists and visitors. In the last part, interesting statistics of the SFB 1083 are presented.

The activity report can be downloaded here for further details.

Complementary to the activity report that addresses mainly other researchers, the SFB 1083 image brochure in German aims at interested students and the public. It gives a general introduction to the research on internal interfaces and portraits the participating researchers.

The image brochure (German) can be downloaded here for further details.

A printed version of both documents is available upon request.



Sonderforschungsbereich 1083
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Renthof 5
35043 Marburg
Tel.: 06421 28-24223