LernortLabor awards Chemikum Marburg and Oe with LeLa-Prize 2023
On the LernortLabor conference, the Chemikum and the Oe project of SFB 1083 was awarded with the LeLa 2nd price for the outstanding experiments and educational offer in Marburg.

Award ceremony – Lernort Labor Meeting, Göttingen (v.l. Dr. Andreas Paetz (BMBF), Erich Weber (LK MR-BID), Luise Cleres, Dr. Marion Enßle, Dr. Ina Budde, Dr. Christof Wegscheid-Gerlach (alle Chemikum Marburg), Dr. Andreas Kratzer (LeLa) (Foto: Christoph Mischke, Goettingen).
Pupil labs are central facilities in many educations and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) regions. They are constantly offering new experiments, trying out new methods of teacher education and using creative methods. This year, the educational offer of the Chemikum Marburg and the SFB 1083 was awarded the LernortLabor (LeLa) 2nd Prize in the category “Experiment of the Year”. The jury judged the format to be an innovative and admirable approach. The LeLa Prize recognizes outstanding achievements by school laboratories and school laboratory networks.
The awarded experiment is a two-hour experimental workshop for young people from grade 9 and upwards and the general public, which focuses on the properties of hydrogen, its production, storage and ultimately the conversion, e.g. in fuel cells. SFB 1083-related experiments, like using solar cells for hydrogen production or the detection of hydrogen by means of suitable detectors, rounded off the overall very good impression of the Chemikum and the Oe project.

Poster presentation (Foto: Chemikum Marburg).
At the conference, the activities of the Oe project were also presented in detail with a poster contribution and within the lecture session “Science Communication, Public Relations and Research: School Labs in DFG-funded Projects”.
LernortLabor – Bundesverband der Schülerlabore e.V. represents extracurricular learning venues that focus on independent work, discovery, research and development in an authentic environment, such as a laboratory or workshop. LernortLabor is the leading lobby group for school laboratories in German-speaking countries and an expert contact for its members, stakeholders in the education scene as well as for politics, business and interested society.
Dr. Christof Wegscheid-Gerlach
Philipps-Universität Marburg
SFB 1083 project Oe
Tel.: 06421 28-25843