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![Photo of Prof. Dr. Sangam CHATTERJEE Photo of Prof. Dr. Sangam CHATTERJEE]()
Principal InvestigatorJustus-Liebig-Universität GießenInstitute of Experimental PhysicsPhone: +49-641 99-33100workEmail: sangam.chatterjee@physik.uni-giessen.deINTERNETLink: Project B2 (Chatterjee)Link: Project B13 (Chatterjee/Volz)Link: BiographyExpertise
Experimental physics, semiconductor spectroscopy, ultrafast carrier dynamics, properties of lasers, characterization, and development
University Education
2009 | Habilitation (venia legendi) in Experimental Physics, Philipps-Universit |
2003 | Doctoral degree in Optical Sciences (Ph.D.), The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Dissertation on “Exciton formation dynamics in semiconductor quantum wells” (superior), thesis advisor: Prof. H. M. Gibbs† |
2002 | Master’s degree in Optical Sciences (M.Sc.), The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA |
2000 | Diploma degree in Physics (Dipl. Phys.), Universität Karlsruhe (TH), supervisor: Prof. M. Wegener |
1995-2000 | Studies in Physics, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) |
Professional Experience
since 2016 | Professor (W3), Institute of Experimental Physics I, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen |
2010-2012 | Substitute Professor (W2), Faculty of Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
2009-2016 | Lecturer (Privatdozent) and group leader optics, Faculty of Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
2005-2009 | Research Associate (Wiss. Mitarbeiter / Akademischer Rat / Akademischer Oberrat) Group Prof. W. W. Rühle, Faculty of Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
2000-2003 | Research Assistant/ Associate, (Group Prof. H. M. Gibbs†) Optical Sciences Center, The University of Arizona (USA) |
2000 | Fellow, Droege & Comp. Internationale Unternehmerberatung |
Honours, Awards and other Proofs of Qualification
2016 | Heisenberg Professorship, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen |
2015 | Best-teacher award, Faculty of Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
2001 | State of Arizona Proposition 301 fellowship in Quantum Electronics |
Selected Publications
- T. Vu, H. Haug, W. A. Hügel, S. Chatterjee, M. Wegener
Signature of Electron-Plasmon Quantum Kinetics in GaAs
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3508 (2000). - S. Chatterjee, C. Ell, S. Mosor, G. Khitrova, H. M. Gibbs, W. Hoyer, M. Kira, S. W. Koch, J. P. Prineas, H. Stolz
Excitonic Photoluminescence in Semiconductor Quantum Wells: Plasma versus Excitons
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 067402 (2004). - J. Morell, S. Chatterjee, P. J. Klar, D. Mauder, I. Shenderovich, F. Hoffmann, M. Fröba
Synthesis and Characterization of chiral benzylic ether-bridged Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas
Chem. Eur. J. 14, 5935 (2008). - C. Lange, N. S. Köster, S. Chatterjee, H. Sigg, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, H. von Känel, M. Schäfer, M. Kira, S. W. Koch
Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of photoexcited Ge/SiGe quantum wells: Evidence for a femtosecond transient population inversion
Phys. Rev. B 79, 201306(R) (2009). - S. Imhof, A. Thränhardt, A. Chernikov, M. Koch, N. S. Köster, K. Kolata, S. Chatterjee, S. W. Koch, X. Lu, S. R. Johnson, D. A. Beaton, T. Tiedje, O. Rubel
Clustering Effects in Ga(AsBi)
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 131115 (2010). - B. Ewers, N. S. Köster, R. Woscholski, M. Koch, S. Chatterjee, G. Khitrova, H. M. Gibbs, A. C. Klettke, M. Kira, S. W. Koch
Ionization of coherent excitons strong terahertz electromagnetic fields
Phys. Rev. B 85, 075307 (2012). - J. Arbiol, C. Magen, P. Becker, G. Jacopin, A. Chernikov, S. Schäfer, F. Furtmayr, M. Tchernycheva, L. Rigutti, J. Teubert, S .Chatterjee, J. R. Morante, M. Eickhoff
Self-assembled GaN quantum wires on GaN/AlN nanowire templates
Nanoscale 4, 7517 (2012). - W. D. Rice, J. Kono, S. Zybell, S. Winnerl, J. Bhattacharyya, H. Schneider, M. Helm, B. Ewers, A. Chernikov, M. Koch, S. Chatterjee, G. Khitrova, H. M. Gibbs, L. Schneebeli, B. Breddermann, M. Kira, S. W. Koch
Observation of Forbidden Exciton Transitions Mediated by Coulomb Interactions in Photoexcited Semiconductor Quantum Wells
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 137404 (2013). - K. Kolata, T. Breuer, G. Witte, S. Chatterjee
Molecular Packing Determines Singlet Exciton Fission in Organic Semiconductors
ACS Nano 8, 7377 (2014). - N. W. Rosemann, J. P. Eußner, A. Beyer, S. W. Koch, K. Volz, S. Dehnen, S. Chatterjee
A highly efficient directional molecular white-light emitter driven by a continuous wave laser diode
Science 352 6291 (2016).
- Probst, S. Dürrschmidt, M. Scheller, S. Chatterjee, M. Koch, Variable Laufzeitänderung von elektromagnetischer Strahlung (European Patent 11170587.7 – 2217 (2011)).
- W. Rosemann, J. P. Eußner, A. Beyer, K. Volz, S. Dehnen, S. Chatterjee, Molecular white-light emitter (European Patent Application).