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DEHNEN, Stefanie Prof. Dr.

Photo of Prof. Dr. Stefanie DEHNEN
Principal InvestigatorPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of ChemistryPhone: +49-6421 28-25751Link: Project A9 (Dehnen)Link: Biography


Inorganic and organoelement cluster syntheses, organometallic synthesis, X-ray diffraction, spectroscopic characterization (NMR/IR/Raman/UV-visible), thermogravimetric analyses, molecular quantum chemistry

University Education

2004Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) in Inorganic Chemistry, Universität Karlsruhe, “Investigations on the chemistry of chalcogenostannate salts”
1996Doctoral degree in Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.), Universität Karlsruhe, Dissertation on “Experimental and theoretical investigations on sulfur-bridged and selenium-bridged copper clusters”, thesis advisor: Prof. D. Fenske
1993Diploma degree in Chemistry, Univ. Karlsruhe, supervisor: Prof. D. Fenske
1988-1993Studies in Chemistry, University of Karlsruhe

Professional Experience

since 2006Professor (W3) for Inorganic Chemistry, Philipps-Universität Marburg
2006Professor (W2) for Inorganic Chemistry, Philipps-Universität Marburg
2004-2005Lecturer/docent at Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität Karlsruhe
1998-2004Scientific Assistant at Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität Karlsruhe
1997Postdoc at the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry with Prof. R. Ahlrichs, Universität Karlsruhe, “Quantum chemical investigations on complexes of f-elements”

Honours, Awards and other Proofs of Qualification

since 2019Chairwoman of the Wöhler-Vereinigung für Anorganische Chemie (Wöhler Association for Inorganic Chemistry)
since 2018Associate Editor of Inorganic Chemistry
since 2018Member of the Board of Trustees of the Verband der Chemischen Industrie (VCI – German Chemical Industry Association)
2018Awardee of the Prize for the Promotion of Women (Frauenförderpreis) by Philipps-Universität Marburg
since 2016Full member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz
since 2016Full member of Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities
since 2016Member of Review Board (Fachkollegium) at German Research Foundation (DFG)
since 2016Member of the Board of the Division for Inorganic Chemistry (Wöhler-Vereinigung für Anorganische Chemie) at Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
2014Offer for a chair (W3) in Inorganic Chemistry, Unversität zu Köln (declined)
2011Offer for a chair (W3) in Funct. Supramolecular Chem., Univ. Göttingen (declined)
2011Teaching Award 2010 from JungChemikerForum Marburg and Fachschaft Chemie of Philipps-Universität Marburg
since 2010Member at “Internetportal für exzellente Wissenschaftlerinnen” by Robert-Bosch Foundation and Spektrum-Verlag (upon recommendation by DFG)
2008-2012Vice Dean (2008-2011) and Dean (2011-2012) of the Department of Chemistry, Philipps-Universität Marburg
since 2006Director and Vice Executive Director (since 2010), Material Sciences Center (WZMW), Philipps-Universität Marburg
since 2006Executive Director of Chemikum Marburg
2005Offer for a chair in Inorganic Chem. at Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz (declined)
2005Heisenbergstipendium from DFG
2004Wöhler-Nachwuchspreis from GDCh
1998-2003Margarete von Wrangell-Habilitations-Stipendium (State of Baden-Württemberg)
1997Feodor Lynen-Stipendium of Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung
1995Award for Best Students at Karlsruhe Universities in 1994
1994-1996Dissertation Grant from Landesgraduierten-Förderung Baden-Württemberg

Selected Publications

  1. P. Bron, S. Johansson, K. Zink, J. Schmedt a. d. Günne, S. Dehnen, B. Roling
    Li10SnP2S12 – An Affordable Lithium Superionic Conductor
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 15694 (2013).
  2. B. Weinert, F. Müller, K. Harms, S. Dehnen
    Origin and Whereabouts of Electrons and Protons During the Formation of Intermetalloid Clusters [Sm@Ga3-xH3-2xBi10+x]3– (x = 0, 1)
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 11979 (2014).
  3. G. Thiele, T. Krüger, S. Dehnen
    K4[PbSe4]∙en∙NH3: A Non-Oxide, Non-Halide Inorganic Lead(IV) Compound
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 4699 (2014), Highlight: Nachr. Chem. 63, 233 (2015).
  4. B. Weinert, A.R. Eulenstein, R. Ababei, S. Dehnen
    Formation of (Bi11)3–, A Homoatomic, Polycyclic Bismuth Polyanion, by Pyridine-Assisted Decomposition of (GaBi3)2–
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 4704 (2014), Highlight: Nachr. Chem. 63, 238 (2015) and others.
  5. G. Thiele, Y. Franzke, F. Weigend, S. Dehnen
    {µ-PbSe}: A Heavy CO Homolog as an Unexpected Ligand
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 11283 (2015).
  6. S. Santner, J. Heine, S. Dehnen
    Crystalline Chalcogenides from Ionic Liquids
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 886 (2016).
  7. S. Mitzinger, L. Broeckaert, W. Massa, F. Weigend, S. Dehnen
    Understanding of multi-metallic cluster growth
    Nat. Comm. 7, 10480 (2016), Highlight: Phys.Com and others.
  8. N. W. Rosemann, J. P. Eußner, A. Beyer, S. W. Koch, K. Volz, S. Dehnen, S. Chatterjee
    A highly efficient directional molecular white-light emitter driven by a continuous wave laser diode
    Science 352, 1301 (2016), Highlight: and others.
  9. N. Lichtenberger, R. J. Wilson, A. R. Eulenstein, W. Massa, R Clérac, F. Weigend, S. Dehnen
    Main Group Metal-Actinide Magnetic Coupling and Structural Response Upon U4+ Inclusion Into Polyatomic Bi, Tl/Bi, or Pb/Bi Cages
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 9033 (2016).
  10. R. J. Wilson, L. Broeckaert, F. Spitzer, F. Weigend, S. Dehnen
    {[CuSn5Sb3]2–}2: A Dimer of Inhomogeneous Superatoms
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 11775 (2016).


  1. H. Andersen, K.-C. Möller, S. Kaib-Haddadpour, S. Dehnen, T. Kaib, Binäre und ternäre Alkalimetallchalkogenidometallate mit Diamant-Topologie und ihre Verwendung als Inter-kalationsmaterialien, insbesondere in Sekundärbatterien (DE 102012106100 B4 (2014)).
  2. N. W. Rosemann, J. P. Eußner, A. Beyer, K. Volz, S. Dehnen, S. Chatterjee, Molecular white-light emitter (European Patent Application).

DEHNHARDT, Natalie Dr.

Former PostdocPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of ChemistryLink: Project A11 (Heine)

DEILMANN, Thorsten Dr.

PostdocWestfälische Wilhelms-Universität MünsterDepartment of Physics, Inst. of Solid State TheoryPhone: +49-251 83-33583Link: Project A13 (Rohlfing)

DEMUTH, Thomas

Former MSc-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsLink: Project A2 (Witte)


PhD-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsPhone: +49-6421 28-24141Link: Project A2 (Witte)

DREHER, Maximilian

PhD-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsRenthof 5 35032 MarburgPhone: +49-6421 28-24141Link: Project A2 (Witte)

DÜRR, Michael Prof. Dr.

Photo of Prof. Dr. Michael DÜRR
Principal InvestigatorJustus-Liebig-Universität GießenInstitute of Applied PhysicsHeinrich-Buff-Ring 16 35392 GießenPhone: +49-641 99-33490Link: Project A8 (Koert/Dürr)Link: Biography


Experimental physics; reaction dynamics on semiconductor surfaces, scanning tunneling microscopy; cluster-surface dynamics and application in mass spectrometry

University Education

2000Doctoral degree in Physics, TU München, Dissertation on “Reaction dynamics of hydrogen on silicon surfaces investigated by means of optical second harmonic generation, molecular beam techniques, and scanning tunneling microscopy”, thesis advisor: Prof. U. Höfer
1997Diploma degree in Physics, TU München, supervisor: Prof. U. Höfer
1992-1997Studies in Physics, Universität Stuttgart and Technische Universität (TU) München

Professional Experience

since 2013Professor (W2) for Cluster Surface Dynamics and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Institute of Applied Physics, Justus Liebig University Giessen
2006-2013Professor (W2) for Surface and Nano Chemistry, Hochschule Esslingen
2006Visiting Scientist at Sony Materials Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan (3 months)
2002-2006Scientist/Senior Scientist at Materials Science Laboratories, Sony Dtl., Stuttgart
2000-2002Postdoc, Philipps-Universität Marburg (Prof. U. Höfer)
1999Visiting Scientist, Physics Department, Columbia University New York, NY, USA (9 months, Prof. T. F. Heinz)
1997-1998Research Assistant, MPI for Quantum Optics, Garching (Prof. K.-L. Kompa, Prof. U. Höfer)

Honours, Awards and other Proofs of Qualification

2012Visiting professor at Peking University, State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructure & Mesoscopic Physics, Beijing, China)
2006Sony Deutschland Patent Award, Sony Deutschland)
2006Sony Materials Laboratories Science Award, Sony Japan)
1999DAAD grant for studying abroad)

Selected Publications

  1. M. Dürr, A. Biedermann, Z. Hu, U. Höfer, T. F. Heinz
    Probing high-barrier pathways of surface reactions by scanning tunneling microscopy
    Science 296, 1838 (2002).
  2. M. Dürr, A. Schmid, M. Obermaier, S. Rosselli, A. Yasuda, G. Nelles
    Low-temperature fabrication of dye-sensitized solar cells by transfer of composite porous layers
    Nature Mater. 4, 607 (2005).
  3. M. Dürr, U. Höfer
    Dissociative adsorption of molecular hydrogen on silicon surfaces
    Surf. Sci. Rep. 61, 465 (2006).
  4. R. Gebhardt, A. Tomsic, H. Schröder, M. Dürr, K.L. Kompa
    Matrix-free formation of gas-phase biomolecular ions by soft cluster-induced desorption
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 4162 (2009).
  5. B. Hipp, I. Kunert, M. Dürr
    Systematic control of hydrophobic and superhydrophobic properties using double-rough structures based on mixtures of metal-oxide nanoparticles
    Langmuir 26, 6557 (2010).
  6. M. Dürr, U. Höfer
    Hydrogen diffusion on silicon surfaces
    Progr. Surf. Sci. 88, 61 (2013).
  7. M. Baur, C. R. Gebhardt, M. Dürr
    Desorption/ionization induced by neutral cluster impact as a soft and efficient ionization source for ion trap mass spectrometry of biomolecules
    Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 28, 290 (2014).
  8. B.-J. Lee, C.R. Gebhardt, H. Schröder, K.L. Kompa, M. Dürr
    Observation of ionic desorption channels in cluster-induced desorption of alkali halides – Influence of surface electronic properties and surface configuration
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 556, 77 (2013).
  9. M. Reutzel, M. Lipponer, M. Dürr, U. Höfer
    Binding energy and dissociation Barrier – experimental determination of the key parameters of the potential energy curve of diethyl ether on Si(001)
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 3971 (2015).
  10. A. Portz, M. Baur, C. R. Gebhardt, M. Dürr
    Mass spectrometry of oligopeptides in the presence of large amountsof alkali halides using desorption/ionization induced by neutral cluster impact
    Biointerphases 11, 02A316 (2016).


  1. M. Dürr, A. Schmid, G. Nelles, A. Yasuda, Method of producing a porous semiconductor film on a substrate (US 7935263 B2 (2011)).
  2. M. Dürr, G. Nelles, A. Yasuda, Y. Suzuki, K. Noda, M. Morooka, Photovoltaic cell (US 8193443 B2 (2012)).
  3. M. Dürr, A. Schmid, G. Nelles, A. Yasuda, Porous semiconductor film on a substrate (US 8319098 B2 (2012)).
  4. M. Dürr, G. Nelles, A. Yasuda, Photovoltaic device containing carbon nanotubes and at least one organic hole conductor (US 8258500 B2 (2012)).
  5. M. Dürr, C.R. Gebhardt, Ion generation in mass spectrometers by cluster bombardment (DE 102012008259 B4 (2013)).
  6. M. Dürr, S. Rosselli, G. Nelles, A. Yasuda, Method of optimizing the band edge positions of the conduction band and the valence band of a semiconductor material for use in photoactive devices (US 8889467 B2 (2014)).