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PostdocPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsMainzer Gasse 33 35032 MarburgPhone: +49 6421 28-24219Link: Project B7 (Stolz/SW Koch)

BELZ, Jürgen Dr.

Former PostdocPhilipps-Universität MarburgMaterial Science Center (WZMW), Structure & Technology Research LaboratoryLink: Project A5 (Volz)

BERGER, Robert Prof. Dr.

Photo of Prof. Dr. Robert BERGER
Former Principal InvestigatorPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of ChemistryPhone: +49-6421 28-25687Link: Project B8 (Berger)Link: Biography


Quantum chemistry, theoretical chemistry, method development (vibronic structure theory, molecular properties, electroweak quantum chemistry, relativistic quantum chemistry), application (photochemistry, photophysics, theoretical spectroscopy, materials, catalysis)

University Education

1997Doctoral degree in Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.), Universität Münster, Dissertation on (translated title:) “Theoretical study on the temperature dependence of vibrational fine structures”, thesis advisor: Prof. Martin Klessinger
1993Diploma degree in Chemistry (Dipl. Chem.), University Münster, supervisor: Prof. Martin Klessinger
1989-1993Studies in Chemistry, Technical University of Berlin and Universität Münster

Professional Experience

since 2014Professor (W3) for Theoretical Chemistry at Philipps-Universität Marburg
2009-2014Professor (W2) at the Clemens-Schöpf Institute, TU Darmstadt
2005-2009Fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), JWG-University Frankfurt and Head of Volkswagen foundation research group
2003-2005Head of junior research group (awarded by Volkswagen foundation), Chemistry Department, TU Berlin
2000-2003Researcher and Liebig-Fellow, Chemistry Department, TU Berlin, Prof. Helmut Schwarz
1997-2000Postdoc, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich, Prof. Martin Quack
1998-1999Postdoctoral scholarship of the German Research Foundation
1993-1997Research Assistant, University of Münster

Honours, Awards and other Proofs of Qualification

2013Offer for a W3 professorship in Theoretical Chemistry at Philipps-Universität Marburg (accepted)
2012Offer for a chair in Theoretical Chemistry at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (declined)
2012Outstanding Young German Scientist Award Lectureship by the Lise Meitner-Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, Israel
2009Offer for a professorship (W2) in Quantum Chemistry and Theoretical Organic Chemistry at TU Darmstadt (accepted)
2009Offer for associate professorship at the Center for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, University of Oslo (declined)
2008Hellmann Award of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Theoretische Chemie

Selected Publications

  1. H.-C. Jankowiak, J.L. Stuber, R. Berger
    Vibronic transitions in large molecular systems: Rigorous pre-screening conditions for Franck-Condon factors
    J. Chem. Phys. 127, 23410 (2007).
  2. F. P. Diehl, C. Roos, H.-C. Jankowiak, R. Berger, A. Köhn, G. Diezemann, T. Basché
    Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Vibronic Spectra of Perylenecarboximides
    J. Phys. Chem. B 114, 1638 (2010).
  3. S. Coriani, T Kjærgaard, P. Jørgensen, K. Ruud, J. Huh, R. Berger
    Vibronic An Atomic-Orbital-Based Lagrangian Approach for Calculating Geometric Gradients of Linear Response Properties
    J. Chem. Theor. Comput. 6, 1028 (2010).
  4. T. A. Isaev, S. Hoekstra, R. Berger
    Laser-cooled RaF as a promising candidate to measure molecular parity violation
    Phys. Rev. A 82, 052521 (2010).
  5. J. Huh, R. Berger
    Application of time-independent cumulant expansion to calculation of Franck-Condon profiles for large molecular systems
    Faraday Discuss. 150, 363 (2011).
  6. T. A. Isaev, R. Berger
    Electron correlation and nuclear charge dependence of parity-violating properties in open-shell diatomic molecules
    Phys. Rev. A 86, 062515 (2012).
  7. M. Pitzer, M. Kunitski, A. S. Johnson, T. Jahnke, H. Sann, F. Sturm, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Dörner, J. Stohner, J. Kiedrowski, M. Reggelin, S. Marquardt, A. Schießer, R. Berger, M. S. Schöffler
    Direct Determination of Absolute Molecular Stereochemistry in Gas Phase by Coulomb Explosion Imaging
    Science 341, 1096 (2013).
  8. L. H. Finger, F. Wohde, E. I. Grigoryev, A.-K. Hansmann, R. Berger, B. Roling, J. Sundermeyer
    Access to pure and highly volatile hydrochalcogenide ionic liquids
    Chem. Comm. 51, 10873 (2015).
  9. M. Klues, P. Jerabek, T. Breuer, M. Ohzelt, K. E. Herrmann, R. Berger, G. Witte
    Understanding the F1s NEXAFS Dichroism in Fluorinated Organic Semiconductors
    J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 12693-12705 (2016).
  10. T. A. Isaev, R. Berger
    Polyatomic candidates for cooling of molecules with lasers from simple theoretical concepts
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 063006 (2016).


PhD-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgMaterial Science Center (WZMW), Structure & Technology Research LaboratoryPhone: +49-6421 28-22231Link: Project A5 (Volz)


PhD-StudentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsPhone: +49-6421 28-22208Link: Project B11 (Güdde/Höfer)

BEYER, Andreas Dr.

ResearcherPhilipps-Universität MarburgMaterial Science Center (WZMW), Structure & Technology Research LaboratoryPhone: +49-6421 28-22260Link: Project A5 (Volz)


PhD-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsPhone: (+49) 6421-28 24133Link: Project A2 (Witte)

BOCQUET, François C. Dr.

Photo of Dr. François C. BOCQUET
Principal InvestigatorForschungszentrum JülichPeter Grünberg Institut (PGI-3)Phone: +49-2461 61-3987Link: Project A12 (Tautz/Bocquet/Kumpf)Link: Biography


Experimental physics, surface vibron spectroscopy, electron specctroscopy, epitaxial graphene, adsorption on semiconductor and metal surfaces

University Education

2012Doctoral degree in Physics, Aix-Marseille Université, France, Dissertation on “From organic molecules to graphene on surfaces: Spectroscopic studies”, thesis advisor: Prof. J.-M. Themlin
2007-2008Master of Science (second year), majoring in Condensed Matter Physics, Université Paris-Sud 11, France
2006-2007Master of Science (first year), majoring in Theoretical Physics, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
2003-2006Bachelor of Science, majoring in Physics, Université Joseph Fourier, France

Professional Experience

since 2016Post-doc, Peter Grünberg Institut 3, Forschungszentrum Jülich
2013-2016Helmholtz Postdoc Programme, Peter Grünberg Institut 3, Forschungszentrum Jülich
2011-2013Post-doc, Peter Grünberg Institut 3, Forschungszentrum Jülich
2009Teacher for the Internet & Computing Certificate, Marseille, France

Honours, Awards and other Proofs of Qualification

2016Invited talk to the Energy Materials Nanotechnology Meeting on Epitaxy, Budapest, Hungary
2015Invited talk to the Workshop “Graphenschichten: Werkstoffanwendungen”, Europ. Forschungsgesellschaft Dünne Schichten e.V., Dresden
2013PhD thesis price. C’Nano PACA, Competence Centre in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, France
2012PhD thesis price. Doctoral school of Physics and Condensed Matter, Marseille, France

Selected Publications

  1. F. C.Bocquet, L. Giovanelli, P. Amsalem, L. Petaccia, D. Topwal, S. Gorovikov, M. Abel, N. Koch, L. Porte, A. Goldoni, J.-M. Themlin
    Final-state diffraction effects in angle-resolved photoemission at an organic-metal interface
    Phys.Rev. B 84, 241407(R) (2011).
  2. F. C.Bocquet, , Y. Ksari, L. Giovanelli, L. Porte, J.-M. Themlin
    High-temperature desorption of C60 covalently bound to 6H-SiC(0001)-(3×3)
    Phys. Rev. B 84, 075333 (2011).
  3. F. C.Bocquet, , R. Bisson, J.-M. Themlin, J.-M. Layet, T. Angot
    Reversible hydrogenation of deuterium-intercalated quasi-free-standing graphene on SiC(0001)
    Phys. Rev. B 85, 201401(R) (2012).
  4. F. C.Bocquet, , Y. Ksari, Y. P. Lin, L. Porte, J.-M. Themlin
    Interaction of C60 with clean and hydrogenated SiC-(3×3) probed through the unoccupied electronic states
    Phys. Rev. B 88, 125421 (2013).
  5. L. Giovanelli, F. C.Bocquet, , P. Amsalem, H.-L. Lee, M. Abel, S. Clair, M. Koudia, T. Faury, L. Petaccia, D. Topwal, E. Salomon, T. Angot, A. A. Cafolla, N. Koch, L. Porte, A. Goldoni, J.-M. Themlin
    Interpretation of valence band photoemission spectra at organic-metal interfaces
    Phys. Rev. B 87, 035413 (2013).
  6. F. C.Bocquet, , R. Bisson, J.-M. Themlin, J.-M. Layet, T. Angot
    Deuterium adsorption on (and desorption from) SiC(0001)-(3×3), (√3×√3)R30°, (6√3×6√3)R30° and quasi-free-standing graphene obtained by hydrogen intercalation
    J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 094014 (2014), invited.
  7. Sforzini, L. Nemec, T. Denig, B. Stadtmüller, T.-L. Lee, C. Kumpf, S. Soubatch, U. Starke, P. Rinke, V. Blum, F. C.Bocquet, , F.  S. Tautz
    Approaching Truly Freestanding Graphene: The Structure of Hydrogen-Intercalated Graphene on 6H-SiC(0001)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 106804 (2015), editors’ suggestion.
  8. Telychko, P. Mutombo, P. Merino, P. Hapala, M. Ondráček, F. C.Bocquet, , J. Sforzini, O. Stetsovych, M. Vondráček, P. Jelínek, M. Švec
    Electronic and Chemical Properties of Donor, Acceptor Centers in Graphene
    ACS Nano 9, 9180 (2016).
  9. Sforzini, P. Hapala, M. Franke, G. van Straaten, A. Stöhr, S. Link, S. Soubatch, P. Jelínek, T.-L. Lee, U. Starke, M. Švec, F. C.Bocquet, F.  S. Tautz
    Structural and Electronic Properties of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 126805 (2016).
  10. Sforzini, M. Telychko, O. Krejčí, M. Vondráček, M. Švec, F. C.Bocquet, F. S. Tautz
    Transformation of metallic boron into substitutional dopants in graphene on 6H-SiC(0001)
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 041302(R) (2016).

BOHAMUD, Tamam Dr.

Former PostdocJustus-Liebig-Universität GießenInstitute of Applied PhysicsPhone: +49-641 99-33438Link: Project A8 (Koert/Dürr)

BREM, Samuel Dr.

PostdocPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsPhone: +49-6421 28-22642Link: Project B9 (Malic)

BREUER, Tobias Dr.

Former ResearcherPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsLink: Project A2 (Witte)

BRODA, Niclas

PhD-studentJustus-Liebig-Universität GießenInstitute of Experimental PhysicsPhone: +49-641 99-33126Link: Project B2 (Chatterjee)